Advice for new parents
Me and my child
Baby Steps | 2 ετών +
Baby Steps | 2 years+
Engaging and delightful but it’s also the stage of ‘it’s all about me and my needs’.
What the child can do
• Speech is improving and most adults can now understand the child.
• Uses at least 200 or more words and sentences are emerging.
• The ‘why’ question is a constant reminder of their curiosity.
• Can run and stop safely (most of the time) and climb, with more control. Stairs are mastered well – usually walking forwards holding tightly to rail or adult’s hand. Can walk upstairs on alternate feet.
• Can kick and hop, but catching a ball still requires practice.
• Enjoys drawing and has good pencil control.
• Interested in painting and making marks on paper.
• Can usually ride a tricycle.
• Turns pages in books and points to objects.
• Enjoys some co-operative play with other children.
• Plays alongside other children and copies their actions.
• Young children learn through play. Sand and water play plus outdoor and physical activity are all equally important to your average energetic 2 to 3 year old.
• Uses preferred hand for tasks and construction skills are well established. Able to build taller, more stable towers of bricks.
• Generally keen to play with pretend play objects.
• Imaginary play blends with reality play – all equipment is used for a purpose and with creative licence!
• Emotions are experienced at the extreme and run high; they can easily spill over into a tantrum.
• Dressing and undressing is becoming easier –choosing outfits is common!
• Play begins to include others and is co-operative. Some children may create and believe in the presence of imaginary friends and enjoy talking about likes and dislikes.
• Can become possessive and unwilling to share.
• Recalling of events is enjoyed and has a preference for specific stories, particularly those which involve them. Concentration span is increasing.
• Arranging things into categories e.g. coloured items, those which are hard and soft etc.
• Understands gender differences and developing strong sense of moral code.
• Copes with periods of time away from the home and familiar adults and knows that they will return.
Routine and parenting
Toilet training is now usually under way, and this is frequently the time when a second baby may arrive. This can be a demanding time for parents, as your average 2 to 3 year old is not keen to share their significant adults with a new brother or sister. Potty training can take time and patience. But routine and sleep times are usually well established so help parents cope with a toddler and possible new baby. It is important to have a relaxed approach to toilet training. By three most children are toilet trained during the day.
What items may be required at this stage?
Clothing – more supplies of clothes for potty training and may now be at pre-school so requires additional clothes in case of accidents. Clothes should be easy to pull up and down to aid independence in going to the toilet – elastic waists and few fastenings.
Products – pushchair buggyboard, although professionals are keen to encourage parents to let their children walk more from this age onwards and not be too reliant on the pushchair. Potty chair and step up stool. The child (if not happened already) may also be moving into a new bedroom and into a big bed.
Toys – toys and objects found around the home are often used to complement their vast imaginations. Small world play, such as using garages and cars, or representative play – imitating parents on the phone – will demonstrate their ability to observe and mimic those around them. Also, ride-on toys, footballs, books, crayons, paints and paintbrushes.